Introducing Favorites, your new favorite feature

Introducing Favorites, your new favorite feature

Never lose track of your favorite Biteable content again. It’s now possible to save all your favorite animations, footage, and images in one place — your Favorites. We hope you’ll ❤️ it as much as we do.

Save your favorites for later

The Favorites feature is perfect for stockpiling content for your next video, saving content you use regularly, and keeping a record of things you know you’ll need someday.

You’ll find a link to your Favorites on the left-hand side whenever adding content to a video project. Favorites are sorted from newest to oldest so your freshest picks are always at the top.

Start favoriting the stuff you love

  1. Log in or sign up and open a video project.
  2. Make sure “Add” is selected on the left-hand side.
  3. Mouse over a piece of content and click the heart icon in the top right corner. Note that you can only favorite individual animations, clips, and images; not whole packs.
  4. To remove an item, navigate to Favorites on the left, select a piece of content, and hit the heart icon again.

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