Create instantly on-brand videos with Biteable’s branding tools

Trusted by 9+ million people and over 10,000 companies

Fetch your brand once, never check your brand book again

Give us your URL, we’ll give you your time back. Create on-brand videos with a single click.


Time-saving tools

You’re busy and we know it. We’ll fetch your brand and auto-apply it to every video you make. Customize your color palette and edit your brand at any time.

Always on-brand

Every. Single. Time. Bring your brand to the screen with video communication that gets the job done and looks good doing it. Choose from hundreds of branded scenes and templates.

Switch between brands

Switch between brands in a snap. Fetch and save as many brands as you’d like. Biteable instantly applies your chosen brand to any video.


“[Biteable] is a win for us. We can customize as much as we need to to be on-brand”

Create on-brand videos that make an impact